Sep 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today marked my 4 year anniversary of making the big move from Texas to New York City.  4 years...who would have thought?  Certainly not me.  In celebration of this milestone, Kari and I trecked to our old neighborhood (the East Village) to dine at Sidewalk Cafe which was the very first place she took me to eat when I first moved here. romantic (or something like that).  I still remember what I ordered that long ago (a California burger) and what I was wearing (jeans and a sleeveless black shirt).  I'm really good at taking mental snapshots wherever I am, though I do realize it's a bit freakish to remember what you or anyone else was wearing at some random event 10 years ago.  My memory is a superpower, what can I say?

Tonight was the first time either of us have gone back to the East Village since moving out last month.  I love Brooklyn, but I must say we were both surprised by how much we miss the 'hood.  But I guess it makes sense that if you park yourself somewhere for 4 years after making a dramatic move, it's bound to have some sticking power.  It just becomes a part of you somehow.  And that's good.  Missing something is good because it means you invested. 

To finish our evening of celebrating city life we (naturally) watched a couple episodes of Sex & the City.  All hype and touristy crap aside, Manhattan does have a sort of magic about it.  I both love and hate it in the same breath.  At lunch I ate on the roof deck of my office building where I could see the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty while downing my Cheetos and turkey sandwich.  Indeed there is no other place like this on earth.  f

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